Students in the course MUST purchase access to Connect for the course. Connect is online courseware used for submitting assignments. Connect access is all you need for the course. It contains an ebook.
Teachers, Schools and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education, 5th edition with Connect Access, by David M. Sadker and Karen Zittelman. McGraw-Hill Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-260-30392-6
After you purchase the access, Connect has a low-cost print copy of the book that you can purchase from McGraw-Hill if you would like an additional printed copy of the text.
On the first day of the course, the instructor will post a link to the course Connect website on the Resources and Materials page in myCMU. The student can click on that link to register for the course. At that time, the student can use an access code purchased from the bookstore, a credit card or sign up for a free 14-day trial.