Polloway, et al. (2018). Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs textbook (11th ed.). Pearson Publishing.
You do not need a paper copy of the textbook. You will need an access card to the Enhanced Pearson etext. There are two ways to purchase this – 1. Etext included with the Access to Enhanced text. 2. Paper copy with access to Enhanced electronic text.
Option #1 = Etext with Access to the enhanced text ISBN: 978-0-13-471121-8
Option #2 = Paper copy with access to the enhanced text ISBN: 978-0-13-457775-3
Often the easiest and most cost effective way of purchasing this text is directly from the publisher. Here is a link to the website in which the book may be purchased:
Make absolutely sure that you are buying access to the Enhanced Pearson eText, 11th edition - NOT just the ebook!