This course requires that you work in an accredited or public school early childhood program a minimum of 120 hours. To complete this course, you must be registered with the Family Care Safety Registry. Failure to register by Wednesday of the first week of class will result in your removal from the course.
Any field experience with children younger than school age requires the observer to complete the TB questionnaire (Found in myCMU under Student Help>Digital Forms>Admissions) and possibly have an actual TB test depending on the outcome of the questionnaire. If it is determined that you need a TB test, you can get a test at your personal physician's office, or any county health office.
If you have questions regarding these requirements, please contact Jane Bethel, Only contact Jane Bethel with questions about the Family Care Safety Registry or TB Testing. You must contact the instructor of this course if you have any other questions, including questions about your practicum placement. Contact information for your instructor is located on the Faculty Information portion of this course.