This course has an assignment that is due by 11:55 pm Central Standard Time on Wednesday night of the first week of class.  Failure to complete this assignment will result in your removal from the course for non-participation. 


Scheuermann, B., Webber, J. & Lang, R. (2018). Autism: Teaching Makes a Difference (2nd Edition). Cengage Learning: Boston, MA. ISBN: 9781337564908


This book has an online component; however, all you will need is the book for this course.


Course Description

This course focuses on identifying, recording, evaluating, and changing social and academic behaviors of special and diverse populations. Theories of behavior management will be explored and various approaches to management including use of technological advances will be addressed. Developing classroom and individual behavior management plans will be emphasized.


Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, each participant should be able to:

  • Identify basic principles of behavior management and applied behavior analysis.
  • Describe critical components of student behavior related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • Design and apply behavior management and applied behavior analysis techniques for making positive changes in students’ academic/social/affective behavior.
  • Define behaviors accurately and prepare behavioral objectives for a wide range of behaviors.
  • Describe strategies for promoting self-management.
  • Describe, understand and apply single subject research designs.
  • Develop and implement a behavior change program.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of modifying the learning environment (schedule and physical arrangement) to prevent and manage inappropriate behaviors.
  • Describe the school discipline model from a school with the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) model and establish times, interventions and schedules of reinforcement.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the ethical considerations in classroom behavior management and applied behavior analysis techniques, and teacher attitudes and behaviors that can positively or negatively influence student behavior.