
Faculty Information

Acq/Dvl Lang/Children/ Emergent Language (ED329 (EX18))

Term: Extended Studies Fall 2018 (UNDG)


Cara Barth-Fagan

Ungrouped Items:

Hi, I'm Cara Barth-Fagan.  I have been married to my husband, Brett, for 17 years.  I am also the proud mother of 4 boys, all under the age of 14, and the youngest one being 8.   I am currently fulfilling the roles of  Education Program Coordinator at SFCC as well as Division Chair of the Fine & Performing Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.  


ED329 Emergent Language. 2 hours. Examination of the oral and written language development of the young child. Factors that facilitate or inhibit language development will be discussed. Attention will be given to the sampling, analysis, and evaluation of a language user. Prerequisite: ED103 and EN211; or permission of instructor. Fall.