
This course has an assignment that is due by 11:55 pm Central Standard Time on Wednesday night of the first week of class. Failure to complete this assignment will result in your removal from the course for non-participation.


Telljohann, S.K., Symons, C.W., & Pateman, B., Seaberet, D. (2016). Health Education: Elementary and Middle School Applications, (8th ed.). St. Louis: McGraw-Hill.  ISBN 13: 978-0-07-802856-4  

Course Description

Health issues affecting children from birth through age 16. Includes functions and interrelations of systems, health maintenance and enhancement, risk assessment and reduction, efficiency of human movement and performance, and physical activity and lifetime wellness.

Course Objectives

After successful completion of the course, each participant should be able to:

  1. Describe parts and functions of body systems and how systems function independently or together.
  2. Define social systems and relate to their influence on health promotion.
  3. Identify and discuss behaviors that contribute to health maintenance and enhancement through personal and family health, nutrition principles and practices, consumer health, and life management skills.
  4. Discuss assessment and reduction of risk related to disease prevention and control, injury prevention and safety, tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and environmental health.
  5. Develop a program for physical activity and lifetime wellness, related to personal fitness and wellness, identifying responsible personal and social behaviors in physical activity settings, and understanding injury prevention/treatment and rehabilitation.

This course meets the following MoSPE Teacher Candidate Standards: 1C1, 1C2