
Faculty Information

UtlzFam/CommRsrs (ED204 (EX17))

Term: Extended Studies Spring 2018 (UNDG)


Lora S. Hudson

Office Hours

  • Start Date: Aug 16 2018 5:00PM
  • End Date: Aug 16 2018 11:00PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days:
  • Note: I usually am available after 5 during the week to visit by phone or text. You can email me at any time. I typically answer emails between 9 and 11 pm each day.


821 Black Oak Drive

Liberty, MO 64068

Ungrouped Items:

Cell Phone

Call or Text Message

Ungrouped Items:

Biographical Info.

I have experience as an administrator for a preschool/daycare.  I taught Title I Preschool for the Trenton R-IX School District for several years and also have experience teaching Kindergarten, First Grade, Third Grade, and Fifth and Sixth grades.  In addition, I currently teach child development, early childhood, and various education courses for CMU.  I have a BA in Elementary Education and a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education.   I hold Missouri teaching certificates in both elementary education and early childhood education and have 28 years of teaching experience in the public school system.  More than half my teaching experience has been spent teaching Title I Preschool.  I have been teaching courses for Central Methodist since 2006.
I have two grown children; one of which is a teacher in the public school system.


ED204 Utilizing Family and Community Resources. 3 hours. The cooperation between home, school, and community to provide a supportive educational environment for the young child. Includes community exploration from an historical, philosophical, and social perspective; basic principles related to community resources; various child-rearing and parenting styles; and methods of utilizing and communicating with families and the community. Cultural and socioeconomic factors, and the realities of the changing family and variations among parent education program types are considered. Prerequisite: ED103.