
Faculty Information

Educational Technology (ED122 (EX24))

Term: Extended Studies Inter 2025 (UNDG)


Emilie Danielle_Gulstad Faust
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About Me

I like to spend time with my horses when I can.   I live in Columbia part-time and in St. Robert part time.  My faince is in the Army at Ft. Leonard Wood.  I just received my associate's degree from CMU and am now pursuing my bachelor's in psychology.  I am interested in pursuing counseling as a career path.


Sat, 12:21 AM - 12:22 AM (12/16/2024 - 1/10/2025) Location: ONLI (Online - Classroom)


ED122 Education Technology. 2 hours. This course will introduce students to a number of current technologies, both hardware- and software-based, with the intent of enhancing the presentation of materials and the sharing and collaboration of information. The course will include material concerning related social, ethical, and legal issues surrounding technology.