This course will enrich the student’s knowledge base of assessment methods and will help candidates utilize assessment as a learning tool (CMU Conceptual Framework concept 3, MoSpe 7C4 and 7C5).
This course will enrich the student’s knowledge and identification of models and theories of deviance and behavior problems, including theories of reinforcement and manifest determination in serving individuals with mild/moderate disabilities (MMDCAT2, GC1K2, GC1K9; 1.3)
This course will incorporate strategies to teach individuals how to use self-assessment, problem solving, and other cognitive strategies to meet their needs (CC2, CC4S2).
This course will help students to develop effective practices to integrate academic instruction, affective education, and behavior management for individual students and groups of students with mild/moderate disabilities.
This course will help students develop knowledge of nonaversive techniques to control targeted behavior and maintain attention of individuals with mild/moderate disabilities (MMD CAT10, GC4S9).
This class will help students develop effective classroom management theories, models and techniques for individuals with disabilities incorporating research-supported practices (MMD CC1, 5.1).
This class will discuss teacher attitudes and behaviors that influence behavior of individuals with exceptional learning needs, including the establishment and maintenance of rapport with individuals with and without exceptional learning needs (CC2, CC5K4 & CC5S7).
This course will explore strategies for crisis prevention/intervention (CC3, 6.3).
This class will teach strategies for preparing individuals to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world (CC4, CC5K7).
This class will teach strategies used by diverse populations to cope with a legacy of former and continuing racism and the ways specific cultures are negatively stereotyped (CC6, CC5K9-10).
This class will help students to identify realistic expectations for personal and social behavior in various settings (CC8, CC5S2).
This class will helps students to modify learning environments to manage behaviors, including those that encourage active participation in individual and group activities, self-advocacy, and increased independence (CC9, CC5S4-5, 9).
This class will help students discover strategies for managing time, schedules, and other associated variables for providing instruction (CC12, 5.5).
This class will help students to analyze communicative intent of behavior (i.e., behaviors are messages) (CC15, 6.4).
This course will teach methods for ensuring individual academic success in one-to-one, small-group and large-group settings (CAT1, GC5K3).
This class will increase students problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills (CAT4, GC5S5).
This course will help students develop effective classroom management theories (including managing time, schedules, reinforcements, and other associated variables), models, and techniques for individuals with mild/moderate disabilities incorporating research-supported practices (CAT5, GC5S6, 5.1).
This class will help students to integrate academic instruction with behavior management for individuals and groups with
mild/moderate disabilities (CAT1, GC7K1).
This class will help students plan and implement individualized reinforcement systems and environmental modifications at levels equal to the intensity of the behavior (MMDCAT3, GC7S1).
This class will help students’ knowledge of state and federal legal and ethical concerns, regulations, and guidelines regarding compliance with the Special Education Process (MMDCC2, 3.1).
This class will help students develop procedures for assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors of individuals with mild/moderate disabilities (CAT3, GC8S1, 6.2, 6.5).
This class will help students to monitor behavior changes across subjects and activities (CAT5, GC8S5).
This class will help students to develop collaborative partnerships in becoming culturally responsive to factors that promote effective communication and collaboration with individuals with exceptional learning needs, families, school personnel and community members (MMD CC4, CC10K4).
This class will help students with strategies for developing effective behavioral support systems within and across school and community settings (CC8, 7.9).
This class will develop family education programs and behavior management guides that address severe behavior problems and facilitate communication for individuals with mild/moderate disabilities (CAT1, GC10K1, GC10S3, 7.1, 7.3, 7.8).