This course is designed to address the following Special Education Mo-Step competencies:
CAT2 [GC2K3, GC2K4; 2.5; CAT4 [2.4]; CAT1 [GC3K1; 4.5]; CC2 [CC4S2]; CC3 [CC4S3]; CC4 [CC4S4]; CAT1 [GC4K1]; CAT2 [GC4K3]; CAT3 [GC4K4]; CAT4 [GC4K5]; CAT5 [GC4K7, GC4S3, GC4K2; 4.4, 5.5]; CAT6 [GC4S1; 4.1, 4.3]; CAT2 [GC4S4, GC4S14, GC4S16, GC4S15]
Provide theoretical and pedagogical information about teaching reading as applied to special needs students.
Provide information about the ways societal, cultural, cognitive, psychological and physical factors affect teaching reading as applied to special needs students.
Encourage students to consider the teacher’s role in mitigating the effects of societal, cultural, cognitive, psychological and physical factors that impact people with disabilities.
Engage in and develop critical thinking strategies.
Experience inquiry, choice and decision making while writing papers about teaching reading to special needs students.
Read, discuss and apply theory and research from professional literature to teaching practice.