ED 514 Instructional Technology
Hilary Myers hmyers@centralmethodist.edu
Twitter: @musictech02
Course Description ED514 Instructional Technology:
3 hours. A project-based online course in which students study the relationship between contemporary learning theories and classroom technology. Coursework encourages development of technology skills and a conceptual foundation that supports (a) continued life-long professional development, (b) potential technological leadership among peers and (c) new instructional technology perspectives. Addresses Missouri Standards for Teacher Education Programs (MoSTEP) competencies.
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop a Personal Learning Network that is content specific. 2. To learn how to use the Internet and social media to gather relevant information on current and emerging instructional technology. 3. To develop lesson plans that incorporate contemporary learning theories, current classroom technologies, MoSTEP, GLEs, and ISTI standards.
Office Hours:
Please contact me by email to set up a time to talk.
There is no required text.
Required Materials:
Each student must have a Twitter account. You will also need regular Internet access to complete assignments in MyCMU.