ED 514 Instructional Technology
Hilary Myers
Twitter: @musictech02
Course Description ED514 Instructional Technology:
3 hours. A project-based online course in which students study the relationship between contemporary learning theories and classroom technology. Coursework encourages development of technology skills and a conceptual foundation that supports (a) continued life-long professional development, (b) potential technological leadership among peers and (c) new instructional technology perspectives. Addresses Missouri Standards for Teacher Education Programs (MoSTEP) competencies.
Learning Objectives:
- To develop a Personal Learning Network that is content specific.
- To learn how to use the Internet and social media to gather relevant information on current and emerging instructional technology.
- To develop lesson plans that incorporate contemporary learning theories, current classroom technologies, MoSTEP, GLEs, and ISTI standards.
Office Hours:
Please contact me by email to set up a time to talk.
There is no required text.
Required Materials:
Each student must have a Twitter account. You will also need regular Internet access to complete assignments in MyCMU.