This course has an assignment that is due by 11:55 pm Central Standard Time on Wednesday night of the first week of class.  Failure to complete this assignment will result in your removal from the course for non-participation. 


  • Johns, J. & Lenski, S. (2019). Improving Reading: Strategies, Resources, and Common Core Connections. (7th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN 13: 978-1524959579
  • Johns, J. (2017). Basic Reading Inventory (12th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.  ISBN 978-1-5249-0562-0. 


Please note that if you purchase a new, printed version of either book, it will be bundled with access to website resources.  These website resources are not required for the course, but are included at no additional cost to the student


eBook versions of the textbooks may be purchased through the publisher at the following weblinks:

Course Description

3 hours. The study of formal and informal assessment as it relates to individual needs is a basic part of this course. Development of instructional plans with an emphasis on personalized reading strategies and continuous assessment is included. Prerequisites: ED315 or ED320, successful passing of MoGEA exam, and concurrent enrollment in ED319.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the ED318 & ED319 courses, each participant should be able to:

  1. Describe the cueing systems of language (semantic, syntactic, graphophonemic and pragmatic) and recognize their integrated use by beginning/developing readers
  2. Use formal and informal assessments to understand the needs of beginning/developing readers
  3. Design lessons/experiences, based on continuous assessment, that focus on reading strategies that address semantic, syntactic, graphophonemic and pragmatic cueing systems
  4. Design lessons/experiences that strengthen comprehension through the skill of analyzing text as a reader
  5. Make connections between classroom literacy assessments and activities and the Common Core Competencies for English Language Arts.