This course has an assignment that is due by 11:55 pm Central Standard Time on Wednesday night of the first week of class.  Failure to complete this assignment will result in your removal from the course for non-participation. 

Syllabus Term 2 2018


Cole, Daniel H.; Grossman, Peter Z.  Principles of Law and Economics, 2nd  edition: Wolters Kluwer.

Course Description

The student will use the tools of micro-economic analysis to investigate the legal system of the United States.  A variety of specific topics are covered, including property rights, contracts, family law, tort law, criminal law, anti-trust law, and regulation.

Course Objectives

The course is dedicated to teaching real world application of how micro-economics and law interact together.  Through analysis of current events, law and the economy there will be clear understanding of the collation between each.  Throughout the course, handouts and material will be brought in on economics that address current events. During the course, the class will debate different positions in the economy and law.