
Syllabus - EC311


EC311 Economics of Money, Credit and Banking

Monday & Wednesday 5:00 – 7:30

10/24 – 12/14



Mike Hopkins

573-701-4258 or


Required Texts:

Money, Banking and Financial Markets (4th edition) by Stephen G Cecchetti and Kermit L Schoenholz

The End of Money by David Wolman


Course Description:

This course examines the role of money, financial markets and financial intermediation in the American economy with a particular focus on commercial banks.  It also takes an in-depth look at the money supply process and the Federal Reserve System.  Special attention will be given to the causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the response of the Federal Reserve Bank to that crisis.


Course Requirements


Current Events

  • As scheduled, students will come prepared to discuss a current events article related to money, credit or banking. They will present a brief verbal synopsis of the article to the class.  A written synopsis of the article will be turned in either by physical copy or e-mail no later than the end of class.  The synopsis is to be no longer than 1 typewritten page and must contain the student’s opinion about the article.


  • As scheduled, students will take a quiz based on the chapters notated. Quizzes will generally be 10 questions, mostly True/False and multiple choice.  There will be 5 quizzes, and the lowest score will be dropped.  If you are absent for a quiz, you will not have the opportunity to make it up.



  • There will be a midterm on Monday, 11/21.  The final exam will be Wednesday, 12/14 and cover the material covered after the midterm.  The final will also contain questions pertaining to the Wolman book.

Book Review

  • There will be a report due on Wednesday 12/11. The report will be your review of the David Wolman book.  The review must incorporate the student’s opinion about the many arguments Wolman makes in his book as well as highlight any particular issues raised in the book that the student believes are important.  The review will be a minimum of 500 words and no longer than 1000 words.  Additional sources must be noted if used.

Class Participation

  • This is meant to be an interactive class, and class participation is a key feature. Attendance is important and the student is expected to participate in class discussions.  If you know you will not be able to attend class, please let me know ahead of time.
  • We are scheduled to meet 16 times. There is no class discussion on 11/9 or 11/23 (Thanksgiving break) and the final exam is 12/16.  A grade of 5 points will be available for each of the other 13 nights for class partipation.


Other Issues


Late Assignments

  • Late assignments will not be accepted. Any assignment not turned in by the end of class on the day it is due will receive a 0 unless a prior agreement with the instructor has been made.

Weather Related Cancellations

  • Any assignments missed due to weather can be made up without being penalized. CMU follows the East Central College cancellation for snow.  Please do not take unnecessary risks getting to class if driving conditions are not safe where you are.


  • Instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as needed in order to accommodate knowledge of the class, possible cancellations of class, or any other reason necessary to help in learning the subject matter.




Grading Breakout

13 dates of possible class participation @ 5 points each                                  65

5 Current Events Articles @ 10 points each                                                    50

4 quizzes @ 20 points each (taking 5, lowest dropped)                                    80

Midterm                                                                                                     100

Final                                                                                                          100

Wolman Book Review                                                                                  100


Total Points Available                                                                                  495